Buy Today. Save a Life Tomorrow

Product Overview 

HeartSine AEDs are reliable, easy to use, simple to maintain, portable, durable and cost effective. HeartSine AEDs put companies and groups in a unique position to have a dramatic impact on the lives of SCA casualties – whether they are employees, family members, associates, clients or customers.
An on-site immediate response will improve the survival rate of a casualty in cardiac arrest, early defibrillation is a critical part of the chain of survival.

Samaritan PAD 500P Defibrillator with CPR

  • 8 year warranty
  • World Leading CPR Advisor
  • Semi Automatic Shock Delivery
  • Easy to Follow Visual and Verbal Guides
  • Durable
  • Advanced Technology
  • Single Battery/Electrode Cartridge

PAD 350P Semi Automatic Defibrillator

  • 8 year warranty
  • World Leading CPR Advisor
  • Semi Automatic Shock Delivery
  • Easy to Follow Visual and Verbal Guides
  • Durable
  • Advanced Technology
  • Single Battery/Electrode Cartridge

Why you need a HeartSine AED

  • Increases the chance of saving the life of an SCA victim by 75%.
  • An untrained person may intervene by just pressing a shock button on the automated external defibrillator.
  • Offers a fully automated life-saving emergency therapy quickly
  • Fully automated, portable and can analyse the heart for shock rhythms.
  • Designed to give shocks automatically, and the rescuer does not press any button. 
  • Has an inbuilt communication that informs rescuers on the life-saving steps to follow. The first aid responder will easily know when the SCA victim needs a shock therapy.
  • Timely intervention is necessary during an SCA. It is essential to perform a defibrillation within three minutes of an SCA. A delay in performing defibrillation increases the likelihood of death up to 75 %. This is why having AEDs is a life-and-death affair for cardiovascular patients.

Why you need a HeartSine AED

  • Increases the chance of saving the life of an SCA victim by 75%.
  • An untrained person may intervene by just pressing a shock button on the automated external defibrillator.
  • Offers a fully automated life-saving emergency therapy quickly
  • Fully automated, portable and can analyse the heart for shock rhythms.
  • Designed to give shocks automatically, and the rescuer does not press any button. 
  • Has an inbuilt communication that informs rescuers on the life-saving steps to follow. The first aid responder will easily know when the SCA victim needs a shock therapy.
  • Timely intervention is necessary during an SCA. It is essential to perform a defibrillation within three minutes of an SCA. A delay in performing defibrillation increases the likelihood of death up to 75 %. This is why having AEDs is a life-and-death affair for cardiovascular patients.

What our customers are saying:

I used your HeartSine® samaritan® PAD500P defibrillator to save a contractor, one month after making the decision to install one. It was fantastic, especially the CPR technology.

Supervisor Logistics Company

I used your HeartSine® samaritan® PAD500P defibrillator on a gym member who had cardiac arrest. It was fantastic, and we saved the members life.

Fitness Centre Owner


Year Warranty


8 Year Warranty

Free delivery and training in the operation of the AED, for all Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast customers

contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a defibrillator?

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?

When is a defibrillator used?

Are there different types of defibrillators?

What maintenance does the HeartSine AED require?

What is defibrillation?

What are the benefits of using an AED during a SCA?

How does a defibrillator work?

Who can use a defibrillator?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a defibrillator?

What is defibrillation?

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?

What are the benefits of using an AED during a SCA?

When is a defibrillator used?

How does a defibrillator work?

Are there different types of defibrillators?

Who can use a defibrillator?

What maintenance does the HeartSine AED require?

Copyright 2018, North Brisbane First Aid Training